A Silent Voice: Shōko Nishimiya Slideshow AMV - Yume o semenaide (Don't blame your dreams)

1 year ago

A Silent Voice: Shōko Nishimiya Slideshow AMV - Yume o semenaide (Don't blame your dreams)

Requested by DoomKittycat

An AMV Tribute to "Shoko Nishimiya" from the 2016 Drama/Seinin Anime Film "A Silent Voice" (known in japan as Koe no Katachi)

which Shoko Nishimiya is actually one of the Few Characters in Anime and Animation who is Tone Deaf,which although she can't hear well,but can Read lips well through Sign Language

another Character I've Seen in Animation who is Deaf,is a female Girl character named Jennifer from an Episode of the 90's Cartoon "Video Power/The Power Team",which similar to Shoko in A Silent Voice,she's also bullied and teased for being tone deaf,which you wanna give these 2 girls a hug:


anyways,enjoy the AMV:P The song is Called "Yume o semenaide (Don't blame your dreams)" by 80's Jpop Artist "Hikari Ishida


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