Second Life 2023: The Crow and the Flower

1 year ago

No one paid me to do this - I made this video because I love the original piece that this video is based off of :) (An old 'So You Think You Can Dance' number about the love story between a hummingbird and a flower.)

Just a few call outs for credits on this video:

The lighting design was done by Gonje Anton. He helped me with the colors to match the theme I was going for; I owe the entire 'mood' to him.

This video wouldn't be anywhere close to what I wanted without the 1 prim [inZoxi] Studio Light. I had an amazing light array up in about 10 minutes, and it honestly made filming this so much more fun because I had so much more control over my entire environment lighting set up.

'Flower's Body: Reborn / Lelutka AvalonSalt & Pepper Ballet Shoes for Reborn'Sunflower' Skin from Forest Fantasy Store: Stealthic Shirt & Skirt: Caverna Obscura

Crow's Body: Legacy / Lelutka Kane
Hair: NO.MATCH - NO CYCLECrow Feathers: Web Dew
Face Makeup:


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