Dear Black People & White People... Remember who the REAL ENEMY is

1 year ago

From South Africa to North America and beyond, everyday "black" people and everyday "white" people are targeted through psychological warfare which invariably weaponizes us against one another for the purpose of DIVIDE AND CONQUER and population control. This rings true for all of the human family, but the story is most prominent concerning "black" and "white", and recently received international attention in relation to South Africa, which inspired this video.

Although this history obviously goes much MUCH DEEPER —ultimately exposing the incredible illusions that have been inculcated into our minds for the purpose of creating division through the relatively new weapon of racism (which was largely weaponized by the ruling class in the 17th century which prior to that relied predominantly on organized religion) in this relatively short DEEP DIVE we will explore some of this history where I try to remind everyone who the REAL ENEMY is...

*I am happy to engage anyone in this topic as I am well versed and my intentions are rooted in my Love for Humanity and utter disgust with Elitism, but please inquire with some integrity and humility. Ultimately, we don’t have to agree on anything to simply share some simple human decency and mutual respect.

Special thank you to my Patreon supporters for seeing the value in what I do. If you'd like to support my work, anything including just $1 helps:

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