Freezer Meal Prep: Beef

1 year ago

BBQ Meat Loaf

2 lbs Ground Beef
1 C Bread Crumbs
2 Room-Temp Eggs - Beaten
2/3 C Evaporated Milk ( Can also use buttermilk , regular milk or milk alternate)
1/2 - 2/3 C Minced Onions
1 Packet Dry Soup or Salad Dressing Mix
1 Tbs Garlic
1 Tbs Butt Rub OR BBQ Dry Rub
1/2 Tbs Kelp Granules (Optional)

Mix just until all ingredients are incorporated in meat
Press into loaf pan lined with aluminum foil and wrap across sides and then over top of the loaf and place in freezer for 2-3 hours or until solid.
Next place wrapped meatloaf into a freezer ziplock bag and squeeze all air out.
Be sure to label "BBQ Meatloaf" and Write or place a label on outside of bag that says
Thaw overnight. Cook in a preheated 375 degrees oven for 30 minutes covered and then pull the cover flaps off of meat. Add 1 C desired BBQ Sauce (*See BBQ Sauce Recipe) Return to oven for additional 10 minutes or until loaf is 160 degrees internally.

Cheeseburger Meat Loaf:
2 Lbs Ground Beef
2 room temp beaten eggs
1 1/2 C shredded cheese ( I prefer cheddar)
1 Tbs Granulated or Minced Garlic
1 tspn horseradish (*optional)
2 tspn spicy brown mustard (yellow is acceptable)
1/4 C dill relish with juices
1 Tbs worcestshire sauce
1 Tbs Lawry's seasoning (*or seasoning of your choice)
Mix all until incorporated into meat fully.
Press meatloaf into aluminum foil lined loaf pan.
Wrap foil over sides then over the top of the loaf and place in freezer for 2-3 hours or until solid
After fully frozen, remove foil wrapped loaf and place into a zipper-lock freezer bag.
Label with:
" Cheeseburger Meatloaf "
BAKE IN PREHEATED 375 DEGREE OVEN IN ORIGINAL LOAF PAN OR BAKING DISH FOR 30 MINUTES . Uncover top of loaf and add 1/2 C shredded cheese. Return UNCOVERED to oven for 15 minutes or until loaf in 160 degrees internally and cheese is golden brown. Remove from oven and allow to set for 10 minutes before serving."
** This loaf serves wonderfully on a brioche hamburger bun. **
Do NOT remove foil. Squeeze all air from bag and close zipper.

Home-Made BBQ Sauce Recipe we LOVE:

Basic "Meat Sheets"

5 lbs ground beef

6 Tbs Seasoning Mix (Taco, Italian, Cajun, Ranch,etc)

Mix seasonings and anything else you desire into the meat just until it is well incorporated.

Press meat into sheet pan from middle to the edges but keep space 1 inc from the edges

Cook in 350 degree pre-heated oven just until no longer pink (10-15 minutes) then remove from oven and allow to cool slightly

Scrape meat and any grease or juices from pan into a strainer or collander that is placed inside a pot to catch the grease and juices.

Break meat up with egg turner or large sturdy spon to make sure it is fully crumbled and grease is draining out into the strainer.

Once fully cooled, spoon meat into a gallon freezer bag and press flat to make sure all air is out of bag before zipping closed.

Make sure bag is labeled ahead of filling with type of meat (Taco, Italian,etc) and COOKED.

Place a label on bag that reads "Thaw overnight in fridge-use as needed." and date. Lay flat in freezer to freeze fully.

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