Upcoming Custom Zombies Maps for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (Episode 2)

1 year ago

Showcase of amazing upcoming zombies maps coming to Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 custom modded zombies in the near future. Episode 2.

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Mappers 👑
- CopForthat (Mob/Vegas) https://twitter.com/copforthat
- Program115 (Manor) https://twitter.com/Program1151
- Ege115Emil (Sounds of Terror) https://twitter.com/Ege115Emil
- HitmanVere (Sounds of Terror) https://twitter.com/HitmanVere
- ThrowingMold (Evil Dead) https://twitter.com/throwingmold
- Sphynx (Port Mackerel) https://twitter.com/SphynxMods
- Green Run Productions (Tranzit) https://twitter.com/Tranzit_Project
- cpt_johnson1 (Medieval Village) https://www.artstation.com/cpt_johnson1
- cal_potter (FNAF) https://twitter.com/cal_potter
- IceGrenade (JME) https://twitter.com/TheIceGrenade
- Ardiveee (Nightmare 2) https://twitter.com/Ardiveee
- Zeroy (Nightmare 2) https://twitter.com/TheRealZeRoY
- DivineFury (Nightmare 2) https://www.artstation.com/divinefury5
- Dannyy (WaterPark/Motel) https://twitter.com/Dannyy_0
- Killjoy (Cyborg Outpost) https://sites.google.com/view/killjoy323
- Logical (Jumanji) https://twitter.com/logicaledits
- You Always Win (Jumanji) https://twitter.com/YouAlwaysWin
- Carrabella (Karma) N/A
- Itszecstasy (Karma) https://twitter.com/zEcstasy_

Mapper YouTube Channels That I Could Find

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Sub Count on Upload: 23,441

Intro (0:00)
Mob of the Dead Remastered (0:50)
Manor (1:46)
Sounds of Terror (2:56)
Evil Dead (4:41)
Splatoon: Port Mackerel (5:53)
Tranzit Remastered (6:41)
Medieval Village (7:45)
FNAF (8:20)
JME (9:15)
Vegas (10:31)
Nightmare 2 (11:45)
Waterpark (12:43)
Motel of the Dead (13:33)
Cyborg Outpost (13:51)
Jumanji (15:10)
Karma (16:33)
Bonus (17:51)
Wrap Up (18:07)

Upcoming Custom Zombies Maps for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (Episode 2)

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