$100 vs $1,000 Budget Fishing Challenge | Viral Video

1 year ago

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1. **#InMyFeelingsChallenge** 🚶‍♂️🎵
Dance to Drake's "In My Feelings" while stepping out of a moving car.

2. **#IceBucketChallenge** ❄️🪣
Dump a bucket of ice-cold water over your head to raise awareness for ALS.

3. **#MannequinChallenge** 🕺🚶‍♀️
Freeze like a mannequin in the middle of an action-packed scene.

4. **#KikiChallenge** 🚗💃
Dance alongside a moving car to the tune of Drake's "In My Feelings."

5. **#BottleCapChallenge** 🍾🥋
Unscrew a bottle cap with a perfectly timed kick.

6. **#10YearChallenge** 🔟📸
Share a photo from 10 years ago next to a current one to show how you've changed.

7. **#PlankingChallenge** 🤸‍♂️📸
Strike a stiff plank pose in unusual locations and share the photos.

8. **#ManVsFoodChallenge** 🍔🌮
Attempt to finish an enormous food portion or spicy dish.

9. **#WaterBucketChallenge** 🌊🪣
Pour a bucket of water over your head to support a charitable cause.

10. **#DollyPartonChallenge** 👩‍🎤📸
Share four photos representing different social media platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Tinder).

Please note that the popularity of challenges can change over time, and new ones frequently emerge on social media platforms.

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