What Happened to German Soldiers After WWII? Part 3: Captured by the Soviet Union

11 months ago

What happened to German soldiers after World War 2? The Hidden Truth of German POWs in Soviet Captivity | Warhorse History
Explore the untold story of German prisoners of war in Soviet captivity during World War II in this in-depth historical documentary. Join us as we delve deep into the annals of history
to uncover the harrowing experiences, the daunting challenges, and the complex web of data surrounding the fate of these captive soldiers.

In this comprehensive video, we will shed light on:

The Enormous Scale:
Discover the staggering scale of this historical event as we reveal the numbers behind the Soviet capture of German soldiers. Learn about the pivotal moments during WWII, such as the infamous
Battle of Stalingrad, which contributed to a surge in German POW numbers.

International Laws and Lack Thereof:
Uncover the harsh reality that German prisoners faced, as the Soviet Union had not signed the Geneva Convention, leaving them without the protections stipulated by international laws of
armed conflict. Understand the ramifications of this omission as we explore the conditions in Soviet labor camps, including excessive labor and insufficient caloric intake.

Mortality Rates and Controversies:
Dive into the complex issue of mortality rates among German POWs. While Soviet records indicate a certain figure, Western historians dispute these numbers, revealing a stark contrast in
estimations. We'll present various perspectives from historians and researchers, shedding light on the ambiguities surrounding this historical tragedy.

Research and Documentation:
Learn about the efforts made by historians like Erich Maschke, Rüdiger Overmans, and others to unravel the truth behind German POWs in Soviet custody. Discover the different methods
and sources used to estimate the number of deaths and missing personnel during this tumultuous period.

Returning to a Changed Homeland:
Explore the challenges faced by returning German soldiers as they came back to a homeland forever altered by the devastation of war. The political landscape had been rewritten, and society
was undergoing denazification. Understand how these returning soldiers navigated this "new" Germany and reconciled with their wartime experiences.

Share Your Thoughts:
Join the discussion in the comments section below. Do you believe the harsh treatment by the Soviets towards German POWs was justified, considering the brutality the Soviets endured
in the years prior? Share your thoughts and engage with our


Part 1: The Rhine Meadow camps

Part 2: Captured by the West

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historical narratives to you.Stay tuned for more intriguing stories from Warhorse History,
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After Stalingrad: https://amzn.to/46bMr5Y

In The Hell of the Eastern Front: https://amzn.to/44Llaq4

After the Reich: https://amzn.to/3EHBlda

#GermanPOWs #SovietCaptivity #WWIIHistory #WarhorseHistory
#MilitaryHistory #HistoricalDocumentary #WorldWarII #POW
#SovietUnion #HistoricalControversy #DocumentaryFilm

00:00 - Intro
00:53 - Captured by the Soviet Union
03:59 - German Death Estimates
05:29 - Soviet Death Estimates
06:24 - Conclusion


Contact: Info@warhorsehistory.com

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