This Is Why You Should Never Leave Plastic Water Bottles In A Hot Car

7 years ago

If you ask any person what is the most important advice that never stop hearing about in the summer, it is “always bring a water bottle with you”. And you might as well, because water helps us maintain our core temperature at an optimal level, not to mention it is what we are built of and hydration is super important all year round.

The one type of advice that we never hear of is to not leave your water bottle in the car. It can be a nag, dragging that thing everywhere you go, but leaving the bottle inside the cabin and most probably in direct sunlight can pose a hazard more dangerous that you could even imagine, as one person got to experience firsthand.

Battery technician Dioni Amuchastegui typically would carry recycled plastic water bottles with him to work, but he didn’t think much when he left his bottle in the cabin. When he got back inside, he noticed smoke with the corner of his eye and it was something he couldn’t believe! The water inside the bottle had created a lens-like effect, concentrating the sun’s energy in one spot and started burning holes in the car seat’s pleather upholstery!

Luckily Dioni caught it on time, otherwise the disaster could have been much greater. He even used a non-contact thermometer to gauge the heat and it measured around 213 Fahrenheit!

One British startup company is fighting against the nuisance called plastic water bottle by creating a biodegradable vessel to hold your liquids. The material it’s made of comes from seaweed, so you can eat it as well.

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