Cults- Jim Jones and the Jonestown Massacre

1 year ago

#truecrime #jonestown #jimjones #thepeoplestemple

"Jonestown", was a remote settlement in Guyana established by the Peoples Temple, an American cult under the leadership of Jim Jones.
On November 18, 1978, a total of 918 people died at the settlement, at the nearby airstrip in Port Kaituma, and at a Temple-run building in Georgetown, Guyana's capital city.
In total, 909 individuals died in Jonestown itself, all but two from apparent cyanide poisoning, a significant number of whom were injected against their will.

How did this happen?

And how did Jim Jones, originally hailed as good and kind man with a Utopian vision for society, turn into a paranoid, drug-ridden, narcissist, control freak and cold blooded killer.

Let´s chat---

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