The CCP police inspect overseas Chinese returning China in hotel in Beijing at midnight

1 year ago

9/15/2023 An online video shows a man who claims to be a retired police officer and his family unexpectedly facing a late-night inspection by a large group of police officers, checking their identities. The elderly couple were visibly scared by this intrusion. In the eyes of the CCP, from high-ranking officials to ordinary people, anyone could be seen as their enemy. It's hard to believe such a regime can last much longer!
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/15/2023 网络视频显示,一自称是退休警察的男子和其家人在回北京旅游时,在入住的酒店深夜遭遇大批警察无预警上门盘查核实身份,老两口受到不小的惊吓。可见在中共的眼里,上至高官下至百姓,任何人都可能是他们的敌人,这样的政权不可能再苟延残喘多久了!
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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