Wisconsin Victories bringing Remedy through Using Notices: A Timeline of Events

1 year ago

The People of Wisconsin have been instructing their government servants using notices to bring remedy to the people. Wisconsin is having a big win after instructing the legislature on their granted authority from the people to impeach Meghan Wolfe, dissolve the WEC, ERIC, and other issues surrounding the Peoples Election processes. The Big wins are starting to come in with the removal of Meghan Wolfe, government servants now working to start the process for her impeachment, resolution to remove E.R.I.C. and other things the People sent notice for.

legislators are asking for your help and show of more support by signing these notices. Here are the links to the two notices that the people can autograph to support the efforts of those in the legislature that want to do good for the people and to become one of the people taking active effort to correct and regulate their internal government.

Notice of maladministration and trespass of rights to free and fair elections

final notice on WEC and Meagan Wolfe

2023 Assembly Resolution on Impeachment of Wolfe Document

Huge thank you to Dave Jose that has taught the People to stand on our authority and Remedy that is reserved to the people in the Law.

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