#64 (Pt.1) Formerly "Woke" Mom awakens to the harms of "Affirming" her daughter. Guest: Taylor Marie

1 year ago

Episode #64 (Pt. 2) Formerly "Woke" Mom awakens to the harms of "Affirming" her daughter. Guest Taylor Marie https://youtu.be/X23sG8Wlp70

Guest Taylor Marie, shares how she had been unduly influenced byTrans-deceptive, agenda-driven, unethical professionals, to believe that her 12 year old girl was "born in the wrong body." Taylor began to "affirm" her daughter, who was transitioning from FTM (Female-to-Male), when Talor began to awaken from her "Woke" mindset, to see the grand lie being foisted upon both her daughter and herself, risking the health, safety, and wellbeing of her daughter to a delusion being pushed by Agenda-driven professionals, for profit or prey.

Taylor describes herself as, "The mother of a ROGD daughter. Former believer in the cult of Trans, now turned TERF (Trans Exclusionary... mildly Radical... Feminist). Taylor works as an Independent Family Court Advocate, is a Domestic Abuse Support Worker, Accredicted DASH risk assessment provider, Administrator at "Surviving the ex Narcissistic Partner, and Board Member at OurDuty. (www.ourduty.group).

UnMaskingTheTransMovement YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@UnMaskingTheTransMovement/videos

Jon K. Uhler, LPC & Alix Aharon Interviews:
What the Pushers of the Trans Deception Don't Want You to Know (Pt. 1) : https://youtu.be/Bo1wrsb6wk0
What the Pushers of the Trans Deception Don't Want You to Know. (Pt. 2)
(Pt. 1) The Dark Reality Behind Transgender Medicine:
(Pt. 2) The Dark Reality Behind Transgender Medicine:
(Pt. 3) The Dark Reality Behind Transgender Medicine:
The Gender Mapping Project: https://www.gendermapper.org/
Partners for Ethical Care: https://www.partnersforethicalcare.com/
SurvivorSupport.net: https://www.survivorsupport.net/

Episode #59 (Pt. 1) Unmasking Medical Complicity In The Trans Movement! Guest: Dr. Jay T. Allen, MD https://youtu.be/cPTFIi7Nsr8
Episode #59 (Pt. 2) Unmasking Medical Complicity In The Trans Movement! Guest: Dr. Jay T. Allen, MD https://youtu.be/vUT-5D-N25s
Episode 61 (Pt.1) Gender Affirming Care Is Actually Conversion Therapy! Guest: Dr. Jay T. Allen, MD https://youtu.be/U88Nc6i-Ues
Episode 61 (Pt.2) Gender Affirming Care Is Actually Conversion Therapy! Guest: Dr. Jay T. Allen, MD https://youtu.be/v0KEypO6ByQ
Episode #34 Part 1 Dangers Of The Trans Movement with Dr Van Mol
Episode #34 Part 2 Dangers Of The Trans Movement with Dr Van Mol
Episode #16 (pt.1) "NO such thing as a Trans Kid". Dr. Michelle Cretella, MD.
Episode #16 (pt.2) "NO such thing as a Trans Kid". Dr. Michelle Cretella, MD.
Episode #21 (pt. 1) "Medical Scam Of The Century." Dr. Dianna Kenny Unmasks Transgender Medicine. https://youtu.be/_ihoglqmv-E?si=DUHls-K-uI7dfhf2
Episode #21 (pt. 2) "Medical Scam Of The Century." Dr. Dianna Kenny Unmasks Transgender Medicine. https://youtu.be/NtbjCaqAObg?si=9DOHLRsnYR9J7lE6
Episode #5 (pt. 1) Jenny Kyng, RN, Discusses the Dangers & Deception of "Gender Affirming Care."
Episode #5 (pt. 2) Jenny Kyng, RN, Discusses the Dangers & Deception of "Gender Affirming Care".
Episode #57 Part 1 Keith Jordan from OUR DUTY Protecting Kids From Those Who Prey Upon Them! https://youtu.be/V_xnw5BDE48?si=6zSmoPoUBI4CwOWZ
Episode #57 Part 2 Keith Jordan from OUR DUTY Protecting Kids From Those Who Prey Upon Them! https://youtu.be/99m8Ip57a2o?si=4jskg3m_mpPfSY6x

To read Jon K. Uhler, LPC's challenge to fellow mental health professionals regarding the need to stand up and speak out against the Trans Deception, visit: https://www.survivorsupport.us/2022/03/it-is-time-for-mental-health.html

For in depth understanding into the dangers and deception of the Trans Movement, and how clear red flags are being missed by mental health professionals, visit: https://www.survivorsupport.us/2020/02/why-are-red-flags-clearly-being.html

To hear the interview with Jenn Smith, a legitimate Transgender male, who is working to protect vulnerable Canadian foster kids from falling prey to greedy agenda-driven doctors, watch: https://youtu.be/tUnbKDjgTI8

Newspaper Columnist, Brandon Showalter, shares his insights with Jon K. Uhler, LPC, into the dangers and Agenda pushing the Trans Movement: https://youtu.be/WcQMrwUnupw

For further analysis of the dangers of the Trans Movement from two seasoned therapists, the following video is recommended: 'Unmasking the Dangers of the Trans Movement: Two Therapists Speak Out' https://youtu.be/IYClP3OqSok

For an understanding of the special interests pushing the Trans Agenda, the following video is recommended: 'Understanding the Trans Movement' https://youtu.be/f89Fny7OjwE

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