A1 SUPPORTERS TURN ON BOSI -- Accusations of Controlled Opposition

1 year ago

In the most recent Q&A from fake political party Australia One, failed political candidate Riccardo Bosi instructed his followers to forfeit their vote in the upcoming "voice to parliament" referendum, October 2023.

His apparent reasoning is that the voting system is "rigged" so therefore, just don't bother voting. What a strategy! And this from the supposed hard man fighting in the SAS back in the day?

Thankfully, many of the A1 supporters can see the foolishness of such a strategy and have taken to the comment section of said video to voice their frustration at the way in which Bosi is handling the situation.

This video highlights several of the most liked comments and showcase the general sentiment of the A1 supporters regarding this crucial issue facing everyday Australians.


XanLev says: If you want us not to vote Riccardo, you ought to have everyone gather at the Governor General’s residence or somewhere similar, and you must call for the dissolution of parliament and the writs for a new election. Just not voting is too passive to achieve much. Unless the entire country refrained. And we know how idiotic many people are.

Math Debater says: I have some concerns and questions regarding the advice to not vote in the voice referendum. Firstly, if ALL no voters instead decided to not vote (on the grounds that the referendum will be rigged regardless), then the government wouldn't even need to rig the vote for 'Yes' to win. They would win legitimately and we'd be unable to prove they were rigging the referendum.

Evie Ford says: I’m freaking out. I’ve always supported you Riccardo but this is dangerous advice. I’m so upset I’m screaming at the TV. You are taking advantage of people who trust you. You are doing this at the wrong time. The trouble is, you are influencing the no voters. So by default the yes vote will win. This is a ridiculous idea.

Crystal Clear 22 says: I just cannot agree! This is encouraging people who'll say NO to waste their voice. We NEED as many NO votes as possible. All the people voting Yes will be thrilled.

Lianie says: I don't agree. What happened last federal election? We were told not to vote. Labour won with a small percentage majority. I am not wasting my vote under any circumstances. This is too crucial not to cast a voice for us. If we are not voting the Yes vote will win.

Richard Love 1 says: If you do not vote, your vote automatically goes to the YES campaign. What sort of lunatic would deliberately tell you not to vote no? Someone who is bought and payed for by the YES campaign! This fuckwit is a danger to all Australians. Get out and vote NO NO NO, all the way. Don’t fall for this obvious psy-op.

Scatman 26 says: Sorry Riccardo but I'm out. I have followed you for a long while but telling your supporters not to vote when we need as many No votes as possible, raises too many red flags for me. Huge question marks about your agenda now for me.

Timothy James Hayden says: Not voting only lends them a hand by them ‘legitimately’ winning the vote, no matter how unconstitutional you think it is. In the public eye it buys them credit. Don’t be fooled into thinking your little (and frankly insignificant) sacrifice does anything other than paint a target on your head.

Sanders 2 says: Isn't silence consent? I think we need to vote NO because otherwise the yes vote will win. And they will have the receipts for this vote and we have to deal with the crap that goes along with it. I know Ric is saying it's rigged and the result doesn't matter, but at least if we vote NO then the receipts are there to prove we never voted for this voice. Otherwise they will have proof to say the yes vote won and we don't have a leg to stand on.



AustraliaOne Party "The Green Room"
19 September 2023

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