10 minutes positive energy meditation

1 year ago

Take a Deep Breath: Start by taking a few deep breaths in and out. Inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs, and exhale slowly through your mouth. This helps you relax and become present in the moment.

Body Scan: Begin by bringing your attention to your toes. Imagine a warm, glowing light starting from your toes and slowly moving up through your feet, ankles, and legs. As the light moves through your body, feel a sense of relaxation and positivity spreading.

Positive Visualization: Visualize a place or moment where you felt extremely happy and positive. It could be a sunny beach, a beautiful garden, or a memorable event. Try to immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and feelings of that moment. Feel the positive energy from that memory filling your entire being.

Affirmations: Repeat positive affirmations silently or out loud. These can be simple statements like:

"I am filled with positive energy."
"I attract positivity into my life."
"I am grateful for the abundance of positive energy around me."
Gratitude: Take a moment to think about things you are grateful for in your life. Express gratitude for these blessings. This helps shift your focus towards positivity.

Loving-Kindness: Extend your positive energy outwards by thinking of someone you care about deeply. Imagine sending them loving-kindness and positivity. Wish them well and imagine them being surrounded by positive energy.

Return to Breath: Bring your attention back to your breath. Inhale deeply, exhale slowly. Feel the positive energy you've cultivated flowing with each breath.

Closing: Take a moment to acknowledge the positive energy you've generated. Know that you can carry this positivity with you throughout the day.

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