5G Planned Marburg Zombie Epidemic

1 year ago

5G Planned Marburg Zombie Epidemic?

A lot of y’all been asking me about this, so here’s a rundown & my thoughts.

Military Attorney Todd Callender & his research team & thousands of whistleblowers point to a planned Marburg Epidemic, paid for by tax payer dollars in the Prep Act.

Inside the lipid Nanoparticles from the vaccines are sealed chimeric pathogens — including E. coli, Marburg, Ebola, & different pathogens can be released by different frequencies pulsed through a 5G Network.

When they broadcast an 18 gigahertz signal for one minute, three different times as a pulse, it would cause those lipid nano-particles to swell & release these pathogenic contents.

The #1 side effect of the Pfizer is to delete the 1P36 gene, which will turn people into zombies.

1P36 Gene Deletion is a disease with zombie-like symptoms, that make a person aggressive, with a propensity to bite.

In 2011, the CDC published “Preparedness 101: for a Zombie Apocalypse” The CDC said it used popular cultural reference to zombies to promote preparedness for different emergencies and disasters.

In 2011, “CONPlan8888-11 Counter Zombie Dominance” was published. US Strategic Command.

On October 4, (Back-Up Date October 11) 2:22 ET, FEMA and FCC will are conducting a National Emergency Alert — It is believed this test will be used to send a high frequency signal through devices (smart phones, radios, & TV’s) with the intention to activate Graphene Oxide and other nanoparticles received through the vaccines.

I believe Donald Trump averted this catastrophe although I feel it could have been their plan all along & why they want people vaccinated so badly.

I don’t know why, but my first immediate thought was when Trump banned Huawei & ZTE equipment when president, due to National Security Concerns.

Did you know Joe Biden hasn’t lifted a finger to undue this ban? In fact, he’s implemented more restrictions.

God is in control. Do not succumb to the fear.


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