Join our Chorus on International Peace Day! Live Dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

1 year ago

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in a live dialogue on September 20 to discuss how to bring the Global North into a New Paradigm.
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"LaRouche said that the society which was not capable of Classical thinking would not make it. And I think that that is the real challenge we have to solve. Because but if you think in terms of Classical composition, or it doesn’t matter whether it’s music, or drama, poetry, you organize your mind in a certain fashion, by always trying to reach the higher level above the prose, above the notes, or between the notes, above the text. It’s a mindset, and that mindset is the only one which gives you the ability to think the coincidentia oppositorum (coincidence of opposites). You cannot think it, if you are an Aristotelian who says, “No, but I insist on ‘A’” and the other one says, “No, but ‘B’ is the right answer!” and that way, you get World War III.

"Only if you can establish in your mind the higher One, which you can access when you think about the whole composition, or what is the concept above; and then you compare that to the absolute, idiotic sense-perception of deductive, or inductive thinking, or just positivist thinking in all of these things around us, so it’s really an axiomatic intervention to get people in a different mindset, which, if you don’t have a certain portion of the population, especially leading people—not establishment figures but people who are the common organic leaders in these kinds of situations, that is what makes the difference if a society can win or not."

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