Mad Doctor of Blood Island (1969) Review [Girls, Guns and Ghouls]

1 year ago

Mad Doctor of Blood Island (1969) Review [Girls, Guns and Ghouls]
I've always enjoyed a good Filipino horror / science fiction / action film. Mad Doctor of Blood Island fits the bill in almost every respect. You've got smatterings of gore, nudity, violence and action for your viewing pleasure, and the directors make sure they leave it all on the table. Co-director with Gerardo de Leon, Eddie Romero has a respectable body of work in all manner of genres, and he's also appeared in these pages before. Brides of Blood is a personal favorite of mine, and he's also produced titles such as Black Mama, White Mama and Beast of the Yellow Night. All worthy viewing experiences for lovers of oddball films. Mad Doctor is actually a sequel of sorts to Brides of Blood, taking place on the same island (I think) and is followed by a direct sequel which I haven't seen yet, Beast of Blood. You start to get the impression that ‘Blood' and ‘Beast' are words that Romero likes to use in his titles!


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