Local Surfer Girls Take Over the Province

1 year ago

I had a great time at the Calicoan Odyssey Waves surf contest in Samar. A very well organized national competition came to my favorite place in the Philippines. As tourism spreads throughout the Philippines, you will hear more and more about Calicoan Island and the amazing talent of the competitors.

Big thank you to:
- jeffcaliso.com (Opening footage of me surfing)
- Astrid Sadaya @AstridSadayaTravels
- Balay Pacifico Resort https://www.facebook.com/balaypacifico/
- @pilipinassurfing (Livestream footage under fair use)
- ABCD Surf Camp https://www.facebook.com/people/ABCD-SURF-CAMP/100057287026948/
- Instagram: davedebuque (photo of me surfing and inspirational surfer in the competition)
- Dave's Homestay in Siargao: https://web.facebook.com/dgsiargao

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