REESE REPORT | 5G Activated Zombie Apocalypse

1 year ago

REESE REPORT | 5G Activated Zombie Apocalypse

Greg Reese discusses Todd Callender's purported evidence about the upcoming release of pathogens by the deep state using 5 G towers to transmit bioweapons....

Todd Callender says the govt has already paid for the event, designed to release the lipid nanoparticles containing e coli, eboli, marlburgs (manmade) and other potentially deadly bioweapons contained in the covid vaccines and lying dormant in the vaxxed. They can amp up the 5G to cause the lipid nanoparticles to rupture and release the encapsulated toxins in the body, some of which will cause a zombie like response.

Oddly enough, the CDC has already posted on their website a warning about a ZOMBIE apocalypse.

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