22Sep23 Hacks — CyberSecurity? Major Casino & Pentagon Can't Protect Themselves

1 year ago

Listeners weigh in on F-35 and EPA war against water filters as pesticides
• If major casino chains and even the Pentagon can be hacked/ransomed what about the infrastructure. And, what to do if a company that has your personal data is hacked…
• Airplane transponders, F-35, the NOTAM hack that grounded all planes in Jan

Breitbart, normally focused on borders, loses their focus on Italian Prime Minister Meloni. She gives a speech at UN calling on them to solve the problems she is ignoring at home after being elected on a nationalist border platform. Next level hypocrisy and election betrayal. But how are these cartels so successful?

More Venezuelan "migrants" coming? 11,000 cops bust a prison taken over by cartel members who used it as their own luxury asylum complete with every kind of accommodation for them and their family including an exotic zoo. So will this be the next wave of illegal aliens weaponized by Chavez's successor?

Gov Abbott in Texas is playing games with the border. It's not that hard to stop the feds from destroying the border...here's how

SpaceX has been sued by Biden DOJ over not putting foreigners in sensitive jobs.
But the lawsuit may have important implications for controlling the "Deep State" — the bureaucratic empires that Trump and every recent president pretend are not accountable to the president even though they're in the executive branch

US Constitution, history, and current events.

Removing statues and addressing historical figures' involvement in slavery.

Elon Musk's neural link FDA approval and potential uses.

Claim: AI Can Translate What Chickens are "Saying" Ain't AI amazing? It can clone Stephen Fry's voice without his knowledge or permission and can interpret chicken "talk"

Artur Pawlowski: 60 Days Sentence a Dangerous Speech Precedent Prosecutor says this is not an attack on free speech regarding "Freedom Convoy", but the judge who sentenced said otherwise

INTERVIEW Celente: "Pandemic" Trends Gerald Celente, TrendsJournal.com. Looking back to see the trends ahead.

Listener asks about Oct 4 — do I believe the emergency test will be used to kill people, especially the vaxed?

For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT

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