America Has No Functioning Government-NOW THE END BEGINS-SEPT 22 2023

1 year ago

If you live in America, take a good look around you and tell me what do you see? I see a country whose real leaders stand in the dark shadows of anonymity, pulling the levers of the clown show they have created for us. A president who shakes hands with imaginary people, a vice president without an intelligible thought in her head, senators who become mute while attempting to speak, dress codes removed to accommodate people who have no business even being in office. What is all that? Glad you asked, we are happy to tell you all about it. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, you have a front row seat to the end of an empire, perhaps the greatest empire since Rome, and it is crumbling faster than I can type this sentence. It's not simply that America has bad government, we do, or that we have corrupt leaders, we do, but it is the sheer lunacy taking place that we are expected to look at and accept as normal. Nothing about any of this is anything remotely approaching normal by any rational standard. On this episode, we talk a little bit about the clown show government, and we talk a lot about the actual, and deadly serious power that is behind it. We have long told you that the New World Order cannot fully be realized until America is neutralized. This is what we are watching here on Day 1,285 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve.

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