Watchman on the Wall - Habakkuk Chapter 2

1 year ago

This Sabbat we look at Habakkuk Chapter 2 where the prophet is told to be a "Watchman on the Wall."
To see the events that will unfold in the "Last Days" and send that message down to us today!
Now, is the time of Habakkuk's vision!
And in this teaching we will "shout" the warning to those "who have ears to hear and eyes to see..."

The time is short!

REPENT AND TURN TO GOD before the Wrath of God falls on the unsuspecting world in the "soon beginning" Tribulation!
(*** NOTE: there is a slight blurring from the 4:20 minute mark to about the 18 minute mark... from there on it all very clear.... Please forgive the technical difficulties... )
Blessings and Peace!

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