1 year ago

Spaving Chemicals in the Residential areas of NYC

(When they said they wouldn't AND They are passing new Covid Restrictions (Cov Camps)

If i was in New York this is what I would do:
(Prepare for a lawsuit, get evidence)

1) Get the hame of the compound being sprayed & research side effects

2) Get the names of the people involved (officers, drivers, Who approved and more)

3) Begin to Journal Side Effects

4) Prepare for a class action lawsuit (EX: morgan and morgan)

5) Contact NYC local govt officials, such as city council members or mayor and demand that the spraying be stopped

6) File a complaint with the appropriate govt agency, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), if they believe that the spraying is violating UTT.COM environmental regulations

Spraying chem without the approval of the ® deebostar residents, violates several rights:

1. The Fourth Amendment protects against
unreasonable searches and seizures. Spraving chemicals in the streets could be seen as a form of search or seizure without proper justification or consent. Residents have a right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, and spraying chemicals could interfere with that right.

2. The Fifth Amendment protects against arbitrary deprivation of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. If the spraying of chemicals poses a risk to the residents' health or property, it could be seen as a violation of their due process rights.

3. The Ninth Amendment states that the enumeration of certain rights in the Constitution shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. This means that even if a specific right is not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, the government cannot infringe upon other rights that are retained by the people. The right to a clean and safe environment could be argued under this amendment

Dont forget about the Covid Detecting Drones.... Look it up..

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