WHERE will the star called WORMWOOD fall? #wormwood #revelation8 #comet #star #greatlakes #trumpet

1 year ago

Rev 8:10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;

THIRD ANGEL SOUNDED – 3rd Messenger in the sequence sounded (Rev. 8:2, Rev. 8:6-7). John is literally seeing what is taking place and then describes it. Just like the plagues in Egypt, these events described will literally take place.

THERE FELL A GREAT STAR FROM HEAVEN, BURNING AS IT WERE A LAMP – Star also refers to an Angel (refer to commentary Rev. 6:13). This star is bitter in nature (Rev. 8:11), it is great and bright therefore seen by many like a lamp that lightens up a room. This Great Star could not be Satan for Satan fell earlier at the 6th Seal and persecutes the woman for 3.5 years (Rev. 6:13-14; Rev. 12:7-9; Rev. 12:13-14).

THIRD PART OF RIVERS, AND UPON THE FOUNTAINS OF WATERS – The great star falls on the 1/3 of the rivers, upon the fountains of waters, affecting 1/3 of the earth’s fresh water supply (Rev. 8:11).

Rev 8:11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

NAME OF THE STAR IS CALLED WORMWOOD – The word “name” means “who they are, their mission”. The name of the star is “Wormwood” which is a strong, bitter herb but in context it so bitter that it is poisonous. Each physical judgement is the result of a specific rebellion against God. This poisonous bitterness is judgement for people who turned justice into injustice, rewarded evil for good and good for evil, and specifically for those who have forsaken God’s law (Amos 5:7; Prov. 5:4; Prov. 17:13; Jer. 9:13-14). This is a direct result of people who turn from serving YHWH to serve the gods of the nations and do what is right in their own eyes (Deut. 29:18; Deut. 29:20). Therefore, God will make them drink “wormwood” which is the fruit of their adulterous lifestyle and they will receive the consequences (Jer. 9:15; Jer. 23:15).

Side Note: Other examples where the name is “who they are, their mission”: Yeshua means “YHWH sets free” (Matt. 1:21), Abraham’s name means “Father of many nations” (Gen. 17:5); Israel means “persisted with God and with mankind and has prevailed” (Gen. 32:28).

THIRD PART OF THE WATERS BECAME WORMWOOD – Only 1/3 of the fresh water becomes wormwood as God is still showing His mercy and seeking them to repent (Psa. 145:8; Isa. 55:7). If there is one place on earth where the Star could hit a 1/3 of the earth’s fresh water supply it would be Lake Superior, as Lake Superior feeds the other major lakes and collectively these lakes and rivers are ~1/3 of the earth’s fresh water.

MANY MEN DIED OF THE WATERS – This Greek word for “man” is “anthropos” meaning “mankind”. Many of mankind died of the waters.

BECAUSE THEY WERE MADE BITTER – Because “they”, the waters we made bitter.

Side Note: This Greek work “bitter” is also the word used to describe a heavy grieving anger in someone (Col. 3:19; Sept. Ruth 1:13; Ruth 1:20; Job 27:2). Moses being angry with those who refused to listen (Sept. Exo. 16:20). Therefore the water could make people grievously angry and many would die from this internal rage.

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