Dr. Robert Duncan – Ex-CIA and DoD – Speaks on Voice of God Technology – Mind Hacking

1 year ago

Dr. Robert Duncan - specializes in AI - Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, discloses his research in mind control and something he says "I'm not proud of" called Voice of God Technology or the Voice of God Weapon.

Voice of God Weapon has 4 technologies that can pipe voices into an individuals head. Once you can do this, you can control them using Neural Linguistic Programming.

It rewires their thought processes.

Offensive Information Warfare - they used it in the Gulf War to tell the enemy to lay down their weapons and it worked well.

The voices have no direction or sound, many thought it was a spiritual source.

Hypergame Theory - they want to manipulate people to do things that are irrational and walk them to their death, they call it a eugenics program. Originated from Dartmouth and funded by DARPA. It came from a man named John Nash. A movie called "A Beautiful Mind" was made after him. Mind-blowing technology to select Manchurian Candidates. It is a Human Mind Project funded from Obama.

Magnetically Activated Nanoparticles - they are activated under certain magnetic frequencies and they alter the brain patterns and pathways.

Deciphering the Audio and Visual Cortex - a brain decoder device was invented by researchers at the University of California at Berkley. They can decipher the words you are reading.

Stanford University is decoding visual images, a person is asked to imagine something and the brain code is deciphered.

Project Blue Beam - Telepathic Electronic Tw Way Communication, making people believe their God is speaking to them through telepathy. It is Projected into the head of each person individually using Extreme Low Frequency Radio Waves. This can be combined with holographic technology as in Alien UFOs.

Voice of God Technologies:
1. Microwave Hearing Effect - they direct microwave energy to the inner ear
2. Ultrasonic - anyone in the beam will not hear anything, but where the waves intercept they hear and this is called the Audio Spot Light.
3. Ion Ca +Sa channels -

There are many mechanisms of projecting voices into people.

They are now working at Projecting Images at targets.

Forced Dreams - their dreams are not their own. This is accomplished by Visual Cortex Stimulation.

Transhumanism - They introduce these Technolgies like Bluetooth, which seem so harmless, but they will use these Bluetooth devices to take you over remotely. This technology along with the drug technology in the jabs and other medicines will dehumanize / genetically modify the races.

Why do they want this technology?

There is an Agenda to Depopulate the World.

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