1 year ago

Urban Renewal The Destruction of Japan

In the mid-1940s, Japan faced a devastating 'urban renewal' program.

The American 'peasants' wanted a show of strength, and Japan was the stage.

The Japanese navy, with its aging fleet, sailed into a modern American fleet.

It was a slaughter.

The Battle of Leyte ended the Japanese navy as an effective fighting force.

In March 1945, Japan unconditionally surrendered.

But the Americans ignored the offer.

The reason?

Japan's home islands hadn't been destroyed yet.

The B-29's were lined up for the 'urban renewal' project on Japan.

The old cities, factories, and way of life had to be bulldozed into oblivion.

The result was the most devastating air attack in history.

After the war, vast sums of money became available for the reconstruction of Japan.

The capital came from outside Japan, from the International Bankers.

They put up the money, they owned the show.

Since the emergence of Japan as a major industrial power in the 1950s, she has enjoyed more than a 'favored nation' status with the United States.

The International Bankers struck gold when they decided to 'urban renew' Japan.

In Japanese society, Japanese occupy all the 'front' positions.

But the real masters of Japan are the shadowy characters behind the scenes.

The world is governed by very different personages than is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

The 'urban renewal' of Japan served a triple purpose for the International 'redevelopers'.

It provided them with a limitless market, cleared the way for foreign governments to pay their debts, and undermined the strength of American industry.

This was not an 'accidental' oversight, but a carefully planned move.


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