Massive FEMA Concrete Tombs Pre-Staged Near Several Large Cities in Arizona and California

1 year ago

Massive FEMA Concrete Tombs Pre-Staged Near Several Large Cities in Arizona and California
Federal Emergency Manufacturing Administration
May 30th, 2021
Sergeant Major:
"During 2000 to 2012 there were many Truthers that were filming the plastic coffins that hold 3 to 6 people each, as well as these concrete tombs that hold 2 to 4 plastic coffins. The plastic coffins were stored in vacant lots all over the country near large urban areas. And the tombs were buried in ground with only a foot or two of dirt on top of them so they could easily be uncovered and used.
OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND. They purchased millions of these concrete tombs and plastic coffins over 10 years in advance so the Sheeple would forget about them. Most people have short-term memories and no ability to breakdown the Government Conspiracy Theories.
Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 is coming like a freight train. The PLANdemic was faked to push the mRNA INOCULATION onto the COVIDIOT SHEEPLE. These are the people that will be CULLED very soon, and most Truthers think before 2025, rather than 2030 now. The DEMONrat Globalists have always been thinking long-term (aka The Georgia Guidestones), and why did so many simply forget about the millions of coffins and tombs the federal government bought and paid for with taxpayers money, and then pre-staged for a mass extinction future event.
If you have taken the jab, you will be dead soon enough. A virus will not be killing you, but rather the mRNA shot, which will likely be activated by a burst from the 5G towers. I will be posting a few of these plastic coffin and concrete tomb videos from 2000 to 2012 to help refresh some memories."
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