A Strange Scene on Judgement Day - Nouman Ali Khan - A Deeper Look Series -Surah At-Takwir

1 year ago

In Islamic studies, the Day of Judgment is known as "Yawm al-Qiyamah" or "Yawm ad-Din." It is a fundamental belief in Islam that on this day, Allah (God) will resurrect all human beings who have ever lived, and they will be held accountable for their actions and deeds during their earthly lives. This day is also referred to as "the Day of Resurrection" or "the Last Day."

Key beliefs and events associated with the Day of Judgment in Islamic theology include:

Resurrection: All individuals, from the first human being (Adam) to the last, will be resurrected from their graves.

Accountability: Every person will be judged based on their intentions, beliefs, and deeds. Good deeds will be rewarded, while sinful actions will be punished.

Book of Deeds: It is believed that every person's deeds have been recorded by angels throughout their life. On the Day of Judgment, individuals will be given a book (the Book of Deeds) that contains a record of all their actions.

Scales of Justice: Good and bad deeds will be weighed on scales of justice. Those with more good deeds will find their scales heavy, while those with more sins will find their scales light.

Intercession: Prophets and righteous individuals may be granted the ability to intercede on behalf of people, seeking forgiveness for their sins.

Hell and Paradise: Depending on their deeds and faith, people will either be rewarded with eternal paradise (Jannah) or punished in hellfire (Jahannam).

Bridge (Siraat): Believers will have to cross a narrow bridge called the Siraat over hellfire. Those with strong faith and good deeds will pass safely, while others may fall into the fire below.

Eternity: The afterlife is believed to be eternal, with no end to the rewards of paradise or the punishment of hellfire.

The concept of the Day of Judgment is a central theme in Islamic theology and is found in various verses of the Quran, the holy book of Islam, and in the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as recorded in Hadith. It serves as a reminder to Muslims of the importance of living a righteous and just life in accordance with Islamic teachings to prepare for the Hereafter.

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