1 year ago

A fan edit of this old Adam Freeland classic. I own nothing in this, and it's purely a fan video, not for the easily-offended. See below for more info.

Now, far be it from me to feed into the 'crazier' conspiracies out there, but there's a real history of Satanism in Hollywood, and it always seems to boil down to Babylon. It's rather intriguing, and if you're interested in learning more about this, check out the documentaries on it (there are some on bitchute, but you have to weed through some real crazies there to get to the good shyte), and check out that new Babylon movie too (I still need to).

I really wanted to add a LOT to this, and I've gotten a lot more into this video than my last attempt, but my video editor is a broken steaming pile of shit, so I'm not gonna wrestle with it anymore. I've got this about as good as I'm gonna get it now.

I also used to be a hell of a skeptic about all the symbology (illuminati stuff), because a lot of conspiracy people will look for that shit where it doesn't exist - but the more blatant examples, like the Satanic Grammies, or the Spongebob Horus Lodge thing, I thought were worth adding in here. Also, snippets from Panic! at the Disco's LA Devotee video are in here too, because I'll be damned if that music video didn't have basically the same freaking message as this one.

You can see the original (unofficial) music video for this song here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WTBkj8gFfI&ab_channel=MOJIITO%27SEARGASM

And, if you'd like me not to die while I'm living my rough freaking life out here, please check out some of my work from Free State West Publishing. Everything's half price right now, and we just released another new work called The Apocalypse Asylum; https://www.amazon.com/stores/Ginger/author/B09LHTH557?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

I hope yall enjoy, and if you don't, that's fine too.
We can disagree, and that's all good.

Just uploading what I want.

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