WE the PEOPLE MUST RISE UP & STOP THEM!!! Maui WAS a Direct Energy Weapon Obviously

1 year ago

Agenda 21 to have areas around the world where only the elite can live and control.

Mke Jaco from Inutitive Warrior Channel who is a former Navy Seal, explaiins and shows how Direct Energy Weapons have been used. On 911, in Paradise CA, Boulder Colorado, Malibu Coast.

Dr. Judy Wood is in one of the clips. She is an expert in the science of DEW's being used to 'dustify' the Twin Towers and caused people to be so hot they jumped.

It is a different physics than an organic fire. Rubber trash bins are not damaged. So when did they pick up all the bins in Lahainna? Right before the attack I'd say. Let's investigate folks, that must be public record from both the recycle and waste companies.

We have to be citizen reporters. They got real bold attacking Maui, We the People MUST rise up and expose this big time. Do it Everyone ! Whatever it takes, speak out, shout it from the rooftops!

Do not let psychopaths rule us!!! Take action for your lives. NOW.

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