Commo John - Straight Talk.

1 year ago

Commo John Wilson throws a grenade at the Fake Black fullas behind the Voice To Parliament and sets the whole barn on fire 🔥

Massive truth bombs 💣 inbound for these corporate Marxists grubs.

* The Modern Day Left is allied with Modern Day Nazis and they bear no resemblance whatsoever to old Commies.

* The Voice is part of the Globalists plan in a long game, Australia is not isolated from it.

* Lumpen Proletariat back stabbing the revolution.

* Albo wants to be the Plantation Manager and the Australian Aborigines will get nothing except extra salt in their corn beef.

* We know what the Zionists are up to, the Khazarians despise us as Goyim.

What a spray, you will not wanna miss these broadsides.

Commo John is Ruthless.

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