The Believer's Paradox, by Arthur Pink

1 year ago

The Believer's Paradox, by Arthur Pink.

"Lord, I do believe! Help my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24).

This was the honest confession of one whose faith had been put to a most severe test. It issued from a man who had a son possessed by a demon, which grievously tormented him, "Whenever it seizes him, it throws him to the ground. He foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid" (v. 18). What a sore trial was that for a tender parent! How thankful you should be, my reader, if in the sovereignty of God—you are blessed with normal and healthy children; and how sympathetic we should be toward those who have afflicted ones! No doubt this man had consulted different physicians, and perhaps had conferred with his pastor; but no relief had been obtained. What a testing of his submission to the will of God! Then he sought aid from Christ's disciples—but they had been unable to effect any cure, and "hope deferred makes the heart sick." Such, in brief, is the background of our text.

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