EP67: The Thread of Redemption, Baxter Kruger's Trinitarian Vision Pt 3 - Gracearchy with Jim Babka

1 year ago

We've been talking with Baxter Kruger of Perichoresis about the Trinity and the myth of separation from God.

This is revolutionary stuff, or so it seems.

For many people, the stuff we said in Part 1 (Ep 65) and Part 2 (Ep 66) of this series may seem new. That's why, with this final installment, I wanted you to see something Baxter has never done in any publicly available video...

_Layout the historical thread, starting with the apostles, right up through to the present._

Theologians aren't generally praised for being "novel" and "innovative."

The problem is that the truths we discussed with Baxter have been obscured for a long time. As a result, what appears to be orthodox today is actually a newer form of error.

Why should you care? Because these modern errors serve to maintain existing power structures.

Indeed, I'm persuaded that discussions like the ones we've had with Baxter matter to our voluntaryist cause. To the degree that believers understand what's being shared in this series -- in this podcast! -- the cult of the omnipotent State would recede.

THIS EPISODE is Part 3 of the series, and it's titled The Thread of Redemption. It's an annotated reading list from a well-read man.

0:00 Opening
0:43 Unique on YouTube!
1:47 The historical thread of redemption
2:40 Abraham and Mary Magdalene
4:17 John the Apostle
5:10 Polycarp & Irenaeus
6:10 Opposing Gnosticism
11:29 Athanasius & Hilary
17:20 Macrina & the Cappadocian Fathers
19:19 John Calvin where he hit and he failed
23:24 The Marrow of Modern Divinity
24:32 Thomas Erskine
25:23 George MacDonald
26:27 Edward Irving, F.D. Maurice
26:39 P.T. Forsythe, H.R. Mackintosh, T.F. Torrance, J.B. Torrance
27:00 Contemporary, start with Douglas Campbell
31:36 Tim & Kerry Dearborn, Malcolm Smith
31:52 Paul Young, Brad Jersak, John Crowder
32:00 Paul Golf, Francois du Toit
32:28 Overcoming the myth of separation

Bill Protzmann is your moderator.

ZeroAggressionProject.org https://zeroaggressionproject.org/ is the sponsor.

You can also listen while you work or drive on Pandora, iHeart, Google Podcasts, and Spotify -- or on any app that uses these platforms.

Thank you to Randy Garbin for our amazing thumbnails: http://randygarbin.com/

We are grateful to Sergio at https://www.youtube.com/@KeysofMoonMusic for our intro theme.
â–º https://www.patreon.com/user?u=10500501
you can purchase his music on BandCamp:
â–º https://keysofmoon.bandcamp.com/
â–º If you have any questions please feel free to write to Segio at: serjo.de.lua.music@gmail.com

Be grace-full to each other.

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