Peter McCullough 博士點名了 Covid-19 騙局的關鍵人物 / Dr. Peter McCullough names key players in the Covid-19 hoax

1 year ago

受人尊敬的心臟病專家 Peter McCullough 博士於 2023 年 9 月 13 日向歐洲議會發表演講時釋放了一系列真相炸彈。


• 主要造成兩波傷害:第一波是主要影響弱勢群體的 SARS-CoV-2 疫情,第二波是與 COVID-19 疫苗接種相關的傷害。

• 世界衛生組織是一個複雜的生物製藥集團的一部分,該集團涉及聯合國、世界經濟論壇、蓋茲基金會和洛克菲勒基金會等組織。 他指責他們對大流行應對措施產生了不利影響。

Esteemed cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough unleashed an array of truth bombs during his presentation to the European Parliament on September 13, 2023.

Here are some key takeaways from Dr. McCullough's presentation:

• There were two main waves of harm: the first being the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak affecting mainly vulnerable populations, and the second being injuries related to COVID-19 vaccinations.

• The WHO is part of a complex biopharmaceutical syndicate involving organizations like the United Nations, World Economic Forum, Gates Foundation, and Rockefeller Foundation. He accuses them of adversely impacting the pandemic response.

來源 / Source: The Vigilant Fox

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