Sacha Stone on Science - World Health Sovereignty Summit

1 year ago

In this gripping snippet from the World Health Sovereignty Summit 2023, Sacha Stone confronts the issue of 'Bad Science' and its historical misuse as a tool for control. From the indigenous populations during the time of Cortez to the general populace today, this power struggle has been a silent war waged on humanity. Stone's commitment to health sovereignty becomes a beacon of hope, courageously challenging the status quo amidst recurring pandemics. Embark with us on this journey of revelation as we unravel the complexities of health sovereignty and illuminate our shared responsibility to resist and reclaim our health autonomy during these challenging times.

**The 2023 World Health Sovereignty Summit, hosted by Sacha Stone is uniting the world's leading medical scientists & health sovereignty advocates in a consensus drive toward ending medical tyranny and pharmaceutical hegemony. Join our standing army for manifesting change and make yourself heard at:

Watch the REPLAY of September 11th 2023 Live Broadcast also via the link above.
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