My Father Thinks I'm A Failure So I Completely changed him

1 year ago

My Father Thinks I'm A Failure So I Completely changed him

Hi, I’m Andrew and I’m an only child. A lot of my friends who have brothers and sisters are jealous of me because they assume that I must get a lot of attention from my parents. I mean, yeah OK, I do from my mom! But that can be a bit embarrassing because she still tries to hold my hand when we cross the road, and I’m like mom, hello, I’m 14!! My dad is a whole different story altogether! He works really hard so I don’t see him that much, but when I do he’s pretty much telling me off the whole time! And it sucks because I’m a good kid! And I want him to like me, you know?

My best friend Billy and his little brother and his dad hang out all the time, and go to soccer games together and his dad is always saying how proud he is of Billy and what a great son he has, whereas my dad just constantly tells me I need to be better. I need to practice soccer more, and study more, or how will I ever get into a good college! I feel like my dad thinks I’m a loser, that I’m not as cool as him or as smart as him and will never be as handsome as him. And that’s all I want! I want to be like my dad, but if I ever have kids I won’t treat them the way my dad treats me.

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