The Nitemare in Bushwick Movie: Theatrical Cut

1 year ago

thank u for watching

#nitemare #novagang #shedtheory #STAIN

there is a 4 hour cut of this video containing the entire concert
link :
thank u to my brotha @JaysnBourne , cohosted the show with me + did sm camera work for this video
00:00 - waking up
00:30 - intro
01:10 - thank u everyone
01:48 - texting the real nuke
02:30 - i missed the gate then jack calls us
03:24 - opium
04:00 - picking up NMP from JFK
05:17 - Apollo diner breakfast
05:49 - the eats
07:20 - Back to puredros
09:14 - david shawty summer camp
09:53 - hottie method
10:20 - nuke vlog
11:08 - The store
12:15 - the big 5 hour energy
12:58 - quick advice
13:20 - did I hit that
13:57 - driving to unreleased Yungster Jack songs
14:56 - NMP Dairy barn
15:27 - More unreleased Jack
16:36 - Dropping the bros off
17:23 - lil shine Taco Bell
18:04 - snapchat method
18:30 - after the christ d show
19:15 - novagang show (zootzie clips)
20:43 - day before the show
21:38 - dro & isaiha otw
23:39 - Isaiha monologue
24:19 - before the show
26:34 - bros life sound check
27:33 - my mom came to the show in stain merch
27:55 - message from jay (the crasher)
28:15 - fun before doors
30:49 - members complete the mission
32:10 - gta90 message from member the famished
32:32 - gta90 instagram reels bts
33:33 - concert about to start
34:34 - bobby speech intro
35:21 - cartier
35:49 - bourne2create
37:00 - STAIN New York #bro’s Life
38:18 - ndeboi
38:35 - the real nuke
38:38 - slaede
39:44 - kire Noomstar
40:24 - stain aftermath
40:51 - dangerrr
42:20 - brusho
43:17 - Yungster jack meets kasper gem
43:34 - brusho pt2
44:14 - intermission
44:51 - gooey ray
45:13 - shed theory arrives
46:50 - outside the venue
48:24 - lemme save my game
48:37 - kasper gem take 5
50:27 - exodus cry again
51:55 - zootzie
56:10 - coffee milk
56:23 - aceii chainlink
57:34 - Ricky chix țar
58:53 - aceii & Ricky communist
01:00:10 - Henry mosto Cop
01:01:40 - rick
01:02:07 - Yungster jack & Henry
01:03:40 - aceii & jack
01:04:08 - Ricky Chix Buddha
01:04:57 - its just that time of the year
01:06:24 - David shawty & yungster jack
01:06:45 - KISSNTELL
01:07:09 - dancing on the sidewalk lights flicker
01:08:18 - Green
01:09:15 - die by fire
01:09:54 - TWSITED David and kasper gem
01:11:56 - like thugger
01:12:23 - 10 bucks
01:12:51 - who let the dogs out
01:13:11 - cardboard
01:13:35 - KMOD
01:14:03 - pressure
01:14:15 - nitemare 3
01:16:56 - shrink room
01:17:34 - Pasture
01:20:00 - kire asks for magic book
01:24:32 - ed Sheeran moment
01:25:45 - the chug jug from Fortnite
01:26:00 - taking pics after the show
01:29:00 - going to the deli with my dad
01:30:25 - I thought this was the end
01:31:00 - thank u everyone luv puredro
01:31:31 - isaiha in yodie land
01:32:31 - Zootzie music video shoot behind the scenes
01:33:35 - David and kasper twisted mv BTS
01:34:42 - back to the airport (dont sleep on yung Dylan )
01:35:34 - goodbye nitemare
01:36:20 - jack forgot his phone
01:37:00 - outro
01:37:10 - credits
the real nitemare was bushwick the whole time

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