The Fluoride Deception (2004) -industry captured regulatory institutions to poison our environment

1 year ago

The Fluoride Deception - 2004

Fluoride is yet another example on an endless list of many showing how industry has completely captured regulatory institutions and allowed criminal corporations to poison our environment with an obscene toxin, and then manufacture science to tell us it's for our benefit and that we actually need it. The only argument justifying the use of fluoride in our water is that it prevents cavities (which it doesn't), and even if it slightly did, the risk of neurological damage and reduction in IQ far outweighs any of the supposed benefits.

Adding it directly to the water that people cook with, shower with, or drink, is categorically insane on every level with the currently available science, and the fact that the water fluoridation practice still continues in most US cities is a testament to how negligent and malicious our government is, and how they don't actually care about the science, just the same as with vaccines. It's almost as if they want to lower intelligence and IQ because you become far easier to control and subjugate.

Even worse, when you begin to understand the synergistic toxicities between aluminum and fluoride in the brain and the aluminofluoride complexes that can result from the continued exposure to both toxins, you begin to get an understanding of why there are so many people in the US who are still sleep walking into oblivion, staring at the shadows in the cave and thinking that they're real.

So here are some facts from the Fluoride Action Network about it's neurotoxicity that hasn't stopped the government from poisoning our water supplies.

2006: The National Research Council published Fluoride in Drinking Water, the most authoritative review of fluoride’s toxicity. It stated unequivocally that “fluorides have the ability to interfere with the functions of the brain and the body.”

2012: A Harvard-funded meta-analysis found that children ingesting higher levels of fluoride tested an average 7 IQ points lower in 26 out of 27 studies. Most had higher fluoride concentrations than in U.S. water, but many had total exposures to fluoride no more than what millions of Americans receive

2017: A National Institutes of Health (NIH) - funded study3 found that every milligram per liter (1 mg/L) increase in fluoride in pregnant women’s urine – about the difference caused by ingestion of fluoridated water4 - was linked to a reduction of their children’s IQ by an average 5-6 points. Leonardo Trasande, MD, a leading physician unaffiliated with the study, said it “raises serious concerns about fluoride supplementation in water.”

2019: A Canadian study10 found a nearly 300% higher risk of ADHD for children living in fluoridated areas. This reinforced earlier studies linking fluoride to ADHD in Mexico (2018)11 and the U.S. (2015).

2019: Another NIH-funded study in Canada found that babies fed formula mixed with fluoridated water averaged 6 IQ points less than those mixed with non-fluoridated water. Losses of non-verbal IQ were even more serious, an average of 13 points

2023: The National Toxicology Program’s draft scientific review14 documented 52 out of 55 studies linked higher fluoride levels with lower IQs. Of the highest quality studies, 18 out of 19 found this link. “Several of the highest quality studies showing lower IQs in children were done in optimally fluoridated (0.7 mg/L) areas

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