Husky's Precious Encounter With Horses And Cows

7 years ago

Dogs can make the most unlikely of friends. We have seen dogs and cats become friends, dogs and bears and even dogs and bunnies, but have you ever seen a dog become friends with horses and cows? That is exactly what happens in this clip here!

Check out Max interaction with these farm animals while out for a walk. It looks like he really wants to be friend with everyone there! He is so excited to see them all that he keeps moving around and sticking out his paw to try and get near them! Talk about adorable!

We can all learn a thing or two from this amazing dog. We can be friends with anyone despite our differences! If there can be so much peace in the animal kingdom then surely we can achieve that too if we just try hard enough!

What did you think of this video? Has your dog ever done something like this before? We would love to hear what you think so please do not hesitate to leave a comment down in the comments section!

Please share this video with your family and friends as it will surely make them smile as much as you did! This is one video that no pet owner should ever miss out on!

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