Only 30 Days Until The Great Tribulation Begins (Time to Fast)

1 year ago

The (nuclear) abomination of desolation is now only 30 days away and will change the world forever just like the pandemic did on March 11th 2020. Will YOU be ready for the Great Tribulation and Time of Jacob’s Trouble? This episode explores KEY events that will be taking place from now until September 22, 2023. We will explore the concept of the Temple in Jerusalem, the Two Witnesses, the Woman in the Wilderness for Time Times and Half A Time, along with the selection of the 144,000 firstfruits.

Keep the Day of Atonement this year! It is the most Holy day on God’s prophetic calendar and will take place on August 26th (sunset) to August 27th (sunset). This date is according to the seven firstfruits witnesses of the land of Israel and the sighting of the new moon to begin each month.

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