J6 4-Murders Caught on Camera. How Many More Were Covered Up?

1 year ago

Here You Go, America: The Gateway Pundit Uncovers MASSIVE J6 DATABASE Engineered by SEDITION HUNTER DHS Front Group
J6 You have all had access to this footage and you are now on notice. This is negligent homicide. DO SOMETHING. RoseAnn Boylan's family was told it took to long to get her to the hospital due to access but "Officer Pepper Dick" that doesn't have the good sense to wash the OC off his hands before touching his tiny little penis is rushed to the ER by ambulance after walking past RoseAnn 4 times and gets there in 12 minutes while Ms. Boyland dies. Pathetic and pure evil. Let's make "Officer Pepper Dick" infamous.
J6 4-Murders Caught on Camera. How Many More Were Covered Up?
J6 You can see Lila Morris beating an unconscious Roseanne Boyland! That is MURDER
Videos by Eric Clark (J6anon) https://twitter.com/guyfaux98637517
Must Watch: Tucker Carlson’s Full January 6 Surveillance Video Exposé Part 1
Must Watch: Tucker Carlson’s Full January 6 Surveillance Video Exposé Part 2
BLM vs Proud Boys: The shocking hypocrisy of US law
Punishment for protesters on opposing sides of political barricades has been wildly disproportionate.
there are two systems of justice at play in the United States – one for Republicans and the other for Democrats. But how long will the American people tolerate such glaring hypocrisy in their courts?.

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