Dr. Jan Halper Hayes - The Military wanted to Get Rid of Obama until they Asked Trump to Run

1 year ago

Dr. Jan Halper Hayes - The Military wanted to Get Rid of Obama until they Asked Trump to Run - EO 13848

“The military had actually wanted to get rid of Obama until they talked Trump into running.

So then, they had to make sure that all that fraud that the democrats & Rinos, usually do in an election did not happen in 2016.

September 12, 2018, EO 13848– you can ask, how did Trump know to write those things to then put in an Executive Order & even to refer to the election of 2020?

Because he was fully briefed. He knew there’d be cheating in the midterms. And he knew 2020 was gonna happen.

You can’t tell people these things. You have to make them experience it. You have to show them.

Whether it’s just Trumps plan or part of the military that has been trying to get rid of the corruption for decades, the fact is it is an exceedingly smart plan with awareness.

I had been hoping that in 2022 we were going to have some exposure. I found out after the fact that it was to find the low hanging fruit. They already figured the high hanging fruit.”

This woman is saying exactly what I feel is happening.

The best thing she’s got going for her is that she was on Trumps transition team & Trump himself said her other interview was brilliant and she said some doozies in that one.


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