Thrilled Baby Dances With Puppet During Street Performance

7 years ago

Every experience is fun and exciting when you are a baby! Curiosity shoots through the roof, because everything is interesting and fun. When you are that tiny, the world is a huge place, so when you do get to meet someone that is your size, even if that is a string puppet, means you have found a friend! Or at least, that is what it looks like!

A street performing puppeteer in Skopje, Macedonia completely captivates this little boy as he and the puppet begin to dance together. He even gives the puppet a loving kiss!

The puppeteer recognizes the baby’s interest and makes sure that he too, feels included in the performance. The doll dances to the rhythm of Chubby Checker’s “Let's Twist Again” and the baby boy does his very best to follow the puppet’s movements, much to the entertainment of everyone present. And there are a lot of people there to watch the tiny performer interact with the doll.

The puppeteer places the doll on the ground and signals the baby to come and sit next time him, with a tap of the ground. The toddler giggles shyly, so the puppet gets up and approaches to greet him. But when the baby leaned in for a kiss was when the crowd cheered with a thunderous round of applause! What a star!

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