Poem: Allfire

1 year ago

Amber waves lap the shore,
As morning’s tide rolls in,
Swimming in the gilded light,
I feel upon my skin,

Let it wash away the strife,
Of many yesterdays,
Cleanse my mind of all the din,
Within your brilliant rays,

Nourish all who feel your grasp,
And warm them back to life,
Favor to the verdant groves,
Where hope and joy are rife,

Let me shimmer in your glow,
A mirror to your gleam,
Let me play just one small role,
As part of your grand scheme,

Allow me pause, to see the truth,
And burden me with peace,
Set my sights upon the path,
Where all my doubt shall cease,

Numinous, I’ll bask alight,
And forlorn be our foes,
Smitten by their own dismay,
And harrowed by their woes,

Let me rise beside your dawn,
A harbor for your grace,
Let your virtue, come to port,
At some intrepid pace,

Sail away the anguished thoughts,
And ease the worldly pain,
Garner all the piety,
Of those which now remain,

Clasp the wind that fills my breath,
And share it with my sails,
Embark upon a righteous plight,
And all that it entails,

Allow a place for empathy,
Before my heart turns cold,
Shed the vestige of my hate,
Before I may grow old,

Turn our fate upon its head,
Before it’s far too late,
Quench our blades upon your forge,
That only love could sate,

All we have and all we are,
And everything that will,
Whence your spark was birthed anew,
A hallow form to fill,

Let us tread amongst the stars,
And pierce the veil divined,
Restore us to your poise again,
Our heart and soul entwined,

Hand in hand, in hand with you,
Horizon off the bow,
Journey through the dark to light,
You have my solemn vow

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