Top 15 Foods That Boost Mental Focus by 900%

1 year ago

There are plenty of foods that maximize your brain power and keep you mentally sharp as well as add massive improvement to your focus. These brain foods will increase your study time and boost your memory.

In a nutshell:

But did you know that what you eat also plays a major role in the health of your brain?

Yes, if you want to stay mentally sharp, then picking the right foods matters a lot.
Brain superfoods are rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

Broccoli, walnuts, and oats are great examples.
Berries, be it strawberries, blueberries, or blackberries, are all loaded with antioxidants, fiber, anti-inflammatory properties, and vitamin C.
All these are amazing for boosting the body`s health as well as the brain`s.
Brimming with flavonoids, especially anthocyanins, eating berries can positively affect the brain areas associated with learning and memory function.

Salmon is one of the best fatty fish that is great for promoting productivity.

After all, it`s high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are specifically useful for boosting memory and mental performance.
So, if you`re suffering from brain fog, then salmon (or any other oily fish) is the key.

Then today`s your lucky day because we have good news for you--research says that dark chocolate has brain-boosting powers, including improved memory performance and enhanced cognitive function.
To be exact, because of the high supply of flavonols in dark chocolate, it`s been shown to increase cerebral flow and cerebral blood oxygenation, hence its mind-sharpening benefits.

Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables contain sulforaphane compounds, which work to activate the renewal and repair of nerve tissue in the brain.

Best of all, it`s loaded with vitamin K and choline, two nutrients that help keep the memory sharp.
In fact, a few studies in older adults have suggested a link between a higher vitamin K intake to better memory and cognitive status.
Broccoli also has several phytonutrients that act as a brain defense against oxidative stress.
Beets also make excellent brain foods.
But then again, they are also some of the most nutritious foods for the brain.

These dark-colored root veggies are high in dietary nitrates, which help boost blood flow and oxygen to places that need it, including your brain.
As a result, it leads to enhanced mental performance including sharpness.
Bonus is that beets help increase energy and performance levels during tough workouts.

They also contain ALA Omega-3s that support brain growth and function.
Chickpeas, for instance, contain magnesium, which helps keep the brain functioning optimally.
And interestingly, they`re also brain superfoods as in they affect the brain in a way that boosts your productivity.
Walnuts contain roughly 15 to 20% protein, in addition to omega-6 and omega-3s fatty acids, vitamin E, and vitamin B6, which are all important for overall health.

But more importantly, these nuts are rich in amino acids, antioxidants, and vitamin E, all of which improve memory and brain performance.
One way to fight off that irritability and sleepiness is to snack on sunflower seeds.

What`s more, sunflower seeds are loaded with thiamine, a B vitamin that boosts cognitive function and memory.
You can eat the seeds themselves or add them to your meals and side dishes.

Aside from sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds also make an excellent snack to keep the mind sharp.
Seeds have always been great for the brain.
These tiny delights are high in omega-3s that work to enhance mental health, maintain memory, and support brain development.
Additionally, pumpkin seeds are chock-full of magnesium, a mineral that has a calming effect on the brain.

What`s more, they contain zinc, too, which increases brain power by improving focus and memory.
Leafy greens, in general, are brain foods, including kale, romaine lettuce, and Swiss chard, to name some.
According to research, eating leafy greens could slow down age-related cognitive decline, including dementia.
Part of the reason is because of the high levels of antioxidants in leafy greens.


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