I Started Planking Instead and This Happened (Belly Fat GONE)

1 year ago

Crunches are an unnecessary exercise when it comes to belly fat. The most efficient way to slim down your stomach and reveal your abs is a first and most importantly a proper diet, and secondly, the correct variation of planks.

In a nutshell:

What Planking Daily Did To My Belly Fat
Like many clueless fitness newbies, I used to think that performing countless crunches and sit-ups are the key to losing belly fat.
So, yes, I do understand your frustration with getting rid of abdominal fat through typical ab exercises like crunches.

Thankfully, there are specific exercises that can yield greater results when it comes to fat belly reduction.

You`ll know the answer to that shortly and make sure to stick around until the end to also know the dos and don`ts while planking to maximize belly fat loss.

Planking on belly fat reduction
Can planking reduce belly fat?
Planks are great for burning belly fat simply because they engage several muscles at once, thus, increasing your metabolic rate and improving your core strength.

But how effective is planking for belly fat?
So long as you`re doing all the right steps like maintaining a good posture then there`s no reason why you shouldn`t be burning calories through planking.

So yes, planking can definitely help you lose belly fat, but technique plays a huge part in that, more on that coming up in a sec.
My Top Planking Variations For Belly Fat
I did standard planks for a few weeks then added many other variations in the coming weeks.

As a result, it allowed me to exercise in proper form and build muscle, ultimately, reducing my belly fat.
To do a side plank, start with the original plank position and open up your hips and chest towards your left side to slowly ease into a side plank.
It`s another traditional plank variation but with an added compound movement.


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