8s to 4s Turnaround | Morning Warmups

1 year ago

Hey there Rumble(rs), got today’s clip of warm-ups from 🥁 practice this morning for you. This is an excersise that has been a foundational part of my routine since my days at music school. It’s a truly great and simple way to warmup not only your hands but your mind for drumming. Also, as always I wrote out the sticking below BUT pay attention to the subdivisions used…I haven’t included the transcription. 😜

If you’re a fellow drummer, get after it and don’t overlook this one!

🎥🎧***iPhone audio

Exercise below…

16th notes & 8th Notes. 8s to 4s turnaround.

Tempo: 1/4 note = 100 BPM.

Time Signature: 4/4

Sticking: 👇🏼

1st measure: R L R L R L R L R R R R
2nd measure: L R L R L R L R L L L L

*** Capital R & Capital L = Accent
*** lowercase r & lowercase l = no accent


Practice Pad: Reflexx CP1 (Workk side shown)
🥁Sticks: Vic Firth NE1

📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/njsansone/

🎥 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Nicholas_TheDrumShed

🟢 Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-4378230

#thedrumshed #drumshed #reflexx #vicfirth #drums #practicepad #drummer #drummers #drumming #practice #warmup #doublestrokes #rudiments #accents #music #musician

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