Man Promotes Women's Rights By Going On 365 Dates

7 years ago

Sunder Ramu, an actor, comes up with a very interesting way to promote women's rights. He is raising awareness for women's rights in India by going on 365 different dates. Sunder Ramu began his campaign after becoming increasingly concerned about the insensitivity of Indian society towards women and their safety. He knew he had to do something to try and help. By meeting and talking to the women he goes on dates with, he opens up a dialogue for awareness and equal rights, this is awesome. He has now been on over 300 dates, and has earned the title of India's Dating King.

The date that was shown in the video was with a women who used to be a yoga teacher and dancer. He is good friends with this women named Divya, but they haven't seen each other in quite a while. She explains that she likes this idea because the only motivation for this date is a conversation, nothing more. When the only motivation is a conversation, you learn so much about the other person and understand how they are feeling. On these dates, he asks the women to pay and in return, he donates money to different charities, so nice. He strongly believes in equality which is a wonderful thing.

Videographer / director: Shams Qari
Producer: Shatabdi Chakrabarti, Ruby Coote
Editor: Alberto Falcone

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