Is the United States a British Crown Colony? The Story of Washington D.C.

1 year ago

The Empire of the City: The 3 City States - a Corporate Empire - 3 mechanisms of controlling the world.

The City of London -- the World's Economy
The Vatican -- Spiritually through
Washington D.C. -- the Military Division

Washington D.C. operates under its own constitution which has nothing to do with the people's constitution.

The Act of 1871 made the United States a Corporation.

The United States is and always has been a British Crown Colony.

The British Crown has the Sovereign Authority over all the Citizens and Colonized Land stolen from the Indians.

The Treaty of 1783 confirmed that the Crown is in control and contradicts that America won the American Revolutionary War from 1785 - 1783.

The 13th Amendment makes US Presidents subservient to the King of England and prevents US Presidents from using US Title like Prince, King or Baron. (Trump's son Barron) (Baron Rothschild)

The 13th Amendment which was ratified in 1810, no longer appears on the constitution.

The war bankrupted America and turned us into slaves of the crown.

Federal Reserve Bank of 1913 handed over the United States Gold to the Private Rothschild Bank - majority owned by the Rothschild family. This private is not truly audited and pays no taxes.

They print and design our money with their Egyptian Symbolism.

They steal our taxes through the IRS and loan it back for bridges and roads.

The United States is not a country, it is a corporation.

The president is president of the corporation of the United States. The Government works for the corporation, not the people.

Who Owns the Corporation? The Crown.

They are managed by the 3 city states, which all have a stone phallic shaped Obelisk.

In Washington DC it's called the Washington Monument dedicated to the Free Mason George Washington.

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