A1 HALFWIT CARL LIEBOLD -- Education Genius and Mathematics Prodigy

1 year ago

In a video dated 5th July 2022, Carl Liebold speaks with failed political candidate Riccardo Bosi from fake political party Australia One.

At approx. 15 minutes into the video (link below) Liebold makes a complete asshat of himself by declaring that adding ones age to their birth year will magically yield the current year. He then proposes this must be some kind of Gematria and/or spiritual trick.

Let's say the current year is 1980. And let's say I was born in 1950. That makes me 30 years old. Adding 30 to 1950 (i.e. 1950 + 30) will equal 1980.

Is this Gematria, spiritual magic, or perhaps just basic maths? I'll let you decide.

Liebold is literally grinning from ear to ear as he asks Bosi about this supposed magic trick and in response, Bosi says nothing except to say: "I don't know mate, that's not my thing. I'm fascinated by it but I can't give you any insights into that at all..."

Bosi likes to think he's the smartest guy in the room but clearly, he can't be all that if he couldn't figure out this was just basic maths at play :)

Later on in the same video, these two alternative media stooges take aim at the Australian education system. Now I'm all for education reform but if you're such a halfwit that you can't figure out that adding your birth year and age together will yield the current year, then you need to sit the fuck down and STFU.


Australia One Party "Carl Liebold Interviews Riccardo Bosi"
July 5th 2022

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